Monday, April 11, 2011

A Tale of Two Sons

It's 4am. All is quiet. All are sleeping. Until..
Mommy is sleeping. Never does she awake for these kind of occasions.
Daddy gets up. "what's wrong Caleb?"
Caleb: "I need to talk to mommy"
Daddy: "mommy is sleeping, you can talk to me"
Caleb: "I need to ask mommy a question"
Daddy: "ask me"
Caleb: "ah, umm..ah..does milk come out of cows bums?"
Poor Daddy..the son of a dairy farmer..his son has to ask about the basic facts of life at 4am.
Once again, it's 4am..another day, another son. Peace, quiet, lots of snoring. Until..
Oliver: "DAADD! DAD! DADDY!"
He has a way of making it sound like a life or death situation so Mommy does manage to wake up out of her sleep coma to hear Daddy run like a, uh.umm....nothing really to describe Daddy running at 4am so let's just say..he shot out of bed and staggered down the hall as quick as his 4am legs would allow him.
Daddy: "what's wrong Oliver?"
Oliver: "I just wanted to tell you that when you put me to bed it was light and now it is dark outside"
Poor Daddy...he has to wonder if this is some kind of sick joke, but it's not. It is another important fact  needed to be clarified at 4am by a 3yr old.


  1. Too funny! Aidan woke me up once at 2am to tell me that I forgot to clean his ears after his bath the night before!
