Friday, May 27, 2011


It has been awhile since I've's something I've told myself to do only when time allows. You're thinking: "When does a mother of 4 ever have time?" Trust me, I often wonder the same thing. But this is I enjoy doing and I'll find the time to squeeze in a blog or two. For instance, right now the kids are all watching 'Dinosaur Train'..<GASP> (yes, my kids do watch TV) and my dear husband has promised to make pancakes or french toast for supper..<GASP> (yes, I do require my husband to cook breakfast for supper for me occasionally). He will also shortly receive a text message saying "bacon" and will know exactly what to do.
It's usually on Friday that these kind of outrageous things happen. I've had it up to here answering questions about what spiders and bugs eat,what's under grass and then what's under dirt, etc., washing off the latest wall scribbling (the last incident involved sidewalk chalk and my neighbours truck) and gathering up my troops from around the neighbourhood. Their latest victim has been the back neighbour, Tim. I guess his ear has fallen off already...he hasn't been out much lately and seems to taking a different route to the post office. I warned him..really, I did! Being nice to my boys is like feeding bears...they are going to come back for more and more till you've given all you have and you have to hide to save your life, or sanity, in this case. The boys call him Timbit. He is a fireman and has a cool firetrucked theme playhouse with a pole the boys could break their necks trying to get down. And they can't seem to understand why he locks his shed where all the cool man toys and boats are kept. It would now be in Tims' best interest to build a fence.
Friday can also involve lots of snacking for both myself and the boys. Lucky for me, a stash of 2 boxes of Reids chocolates was rediscovered this afternoon. The boys..uh...some cracker crumbs and some healthy looking fruity bars. The best kind of snacks for these days(or any day in fact) are 'oh henry' bars...a recipe from my mother in law. The easiest recipe to make and yet, something I always manage to screw up..and it still tastes good! I'm going to share it (hopefully my mother in law doesn't mind!) Be strong...try not to eat the whole pan in one sitting!
4 cups oatmeal(quick cooking kind)
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 cup melted butter
Mix these ingredients together and pat down in a 9x13" cookie pan (the real word escapes me right now)
***OOPS! Can you tell I wrote this on a Friday!?! I was reminded that you do need to bake the bottom for 8 minutes at 350 F!****
approx. (I say approx. b/c I usually just put in what looks good) 1.5 cups peanut butter
1.5 -2 cups chocolate chips...dark or milk chocolate
Melt these together until the mircrowave or on the stove. (Try not to burn it on the stovetop!)
**Spread the topping over the bottom and let cool in fridge. Keep bars refrigerated or you will get a sticky mess!**

Well, my husband is home..I'm going to get my hug and some breakfast supper!