Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Beginning

I've been tossing around the idea of blogging for awhile now, so I'm giving it a try and here it is! I feel very blessed by God in my life with a amazing husband, 4 healthy boys, a supportive extended family, a home and a church. We have food on the table and clothes on our backs and good jobs all thanks to our merciful and mighty God.
 I thought I would share some of our life with you and some other things you might be interested in...I mean, who doesn't enjoy a good recipe or tutorial?! I've also recently learned that I may actually have a creative side, hence all the crocheting and sewing I've been obsessed about lately, so you'll be seeing some of that.  Miraculously, even my scrapbooking box was dug out of the basement...looks like the twins might get their own baby book after all! And really, wouldn't this be great opportunity to use my camera even more!? I'm no expert on anything (although Dave would beg to differ - apparently I'm an expert on adding to his 'to do list'), but I love to learn and try new things and then share with others...enjoy and feel free to leave a comment!
Christmas 2010

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